


Why CoDreams Health Website


Why CoDreams
  • A lot of information on healthy diet & lifestyle is limited to nutritionists engaged with celebrities & athletes
  • Many articles are published in medical journals of modern medicine which mention research done on benefits of different diets but at present there has been a lack of efficient channels to make this information available to the masses
  • Many articles in medical journals endorse the nutrition guidelines mentioned in Ayurveda but there is lack of awareness of this information in common life
  • CoDreams Health Website is committed to the purpose of making this information available to the general masses, such that good health can be maintained with nutrition in diet & a balanced lifestyle



Objective of CoDreams Health Website


Objective od CoDreams
  • Key objective of CoDreams Health website is to build a channel for open availability of health-related information
  • Pulling the knowledge from the silos of health care professionals, researchers & medical institutes and channelising it towards the general masses
  • General masses usually make choices based on ad campaigns & articles published in mainstream media which in many cases are biased towards promotion of few products & treatments
  • CoDreams Health portal has vision to help the general masses with correct & verified health-related information, such that the diet & lifestyle related diseases could not just be controlled but also could be avoided altogether



How CoDreams Health Website works


Workflow of CoDreams Website
  • Health care professionals, Researchers & Professors can register with CoDreams Health portal by sending their details to
  • Contributors can submit their articles to
  • After editorial review the article will be published on the portal
  • Users can directly access the articles hosted on the portal
  • Apart from health articles, some research work is also published which captures insights on items of day-to-day use, from a common man perspective
  • In future, few health related tools will also be added to the portal